Department of Chemistry

Machine Shop

The Department of Chemistry offers a full-service fabrication Machine Shop on the second floor of the GeoChem building.

The facility's two full-time machinists—with a combined industrial and academic experience of more than 60 years—fabricate specialized tools and equipment that support the department's cutting-edge chemistry research. Utilizing the latest in computer-aided design and precision manufacturing, staff work side-by-side with faculty and students to develop prototypes and custom-made parts. In addition to the fabrication of new equipment, the machine shop repairs and maintains scientific research equipment.

Machine Shop equipment


1 Birmingham 4-axis CNC bed mill
2 Bridgeport 42" 2-axis knee mills
1 Acra 55" 2-axis knee mill

1 Clausing 17" swing
1 Clark 14" swing
1 Hendey 13" swing
1 Clausing 11" swing

1 Okamoto surface grinder

1 Doall cutoff saw
1 Doall 13" bandsaw

1 Deltra drill press

1 Heliwelder 251 Tig welder 
1 Millermatic 212 Mig welder
1 Acetylene torch for brazing

Contact Information


GeoChem Building, Room 213


M-F 7:30am - 4:00pm (Summer: 7:30am - 3:30pm)


401-863-3542 (On-Campus: 3-3542)
