Department of Chemistry


The Department recognizes outstanding achievements of graduate students by awarding several prizes and awards. Most awards are presented at the annual Awards Ceremony in May.

Chemistry Department Prizes & Awards

All graduate students completing Ph.D. theses judged to be of outstanding merit are eligible for the Potter Prize. This prize is awarded annually to the most exceptional chemistry Ph.D. dissertation as judged by a faculty committee. In addition to a monetary award of $2,500, this distinguished award is announced at the Chemistry Department Diploma Ceremony during Commencement.

  • 2024 Potter Prize Recipient: Audra Woodside

The King Prize recognizes superior performance as a teaching assistant during the academic year. The prize is awarded annually to graduate students whose efforts as a teacher and facilitator of chemical learning go beyond normal expectations.

  • 2024 Recipients: Natalie Warren

The Sigma Xi Award for Excellence in Graduate Research recognizes outstanding research accomplishments during a graduate student's career. Students in their last year of graduate study are eligible.

  • 2023 Recipients: To Be Announced

Giovannia Barbosa (Delaney Group) and Peter Saghy (Chen and Robinson Groups) were the 2024 Vince Wernig Fellowship Awardees for Academic Year 2024-25. The Vince Wernig Fellowship is competitively awarded to advanced graduate students. The level of support includes stipend, tuition, health insurance, and health services fees.

The Chase Award recognizes the students whose extraordinary leadership and service contributions during their years at Brown improved the department or the academic and educational experiences of all graduate students.

  • 2024 Recipients: Meg Shieh and Audra Woodside

Research Travel & Conference Funding

Graduate students are encouraged to attend national and international conferences. In most cases, student travel is supported by a combination of funds from the Graduate School and the research group.

The William R. Potter Fund provides grants to graduate students specializing in chemistry to support their travel to and participation in national chemistry conferences at which they present thesis research.


All Chemistry graduate students and graduate students whose doctoral studies are directed by a Chemistry faculty member are eligible to apply. Download the application and Submit to Rose Barreira, Graduate Program Coordinator.


May 1 for conferences in the months of July - December, and November 1 for conferences in the months of January - June.

Download the Application

The Dwight A. Sweigart Travel Award was established to honor Professor Dwight Sweigart, a dedicated scientist, teacher, and mentor. Each year, the presenter of the best inorganic chemistry / materials poster at the Chemistry Department's Annual Poster Session will receive the Sweigart Travel Award to support travel to a national conference.

Dr. Prabu Nambiar, a former post-doc in the research group of David E. Cane, Vernon K. Krieble Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, established the Cane-Nambiar Graduate Student Travelship in Professor Cane's honor. Each year, the presenter of the best organic / biological chemistry poster at the Chemistry Department's Annual Poster Session will receive the Cane-Nambiar Award to support travel to a national conference.

Each year, the presenter of the best physical / theoretical chemistry poster at the Chemistry Department's Annual Poster Session will receive the Physical / Theoretical Graduate Student Travel Award to support travel to a national conference.

The Phyllis R. Strauss Fund supports travel and registration costs for women in Brown's Chemistry Graduate Program to participate in scientific development activities including, but not limited to, scientific workshops or professional conferences to present a poster or a talk. Recipients will write a follow-up message to Dr. Strauss to describe the experience.

Congratulations to the 2024 PhD Graduates!

The 2024 Chemistry Department Graduate Ceremony can be viewed here.