Department of Chemistry


The student-run Chemistry Department Undergraduate Group (ChemDUG) holds meetings monthly during the academic year and hosts undergraduate-centered events.

Who We Are

The ChemDUG is the Brown Chemistry Department Undergraduate Group, representing the concentrations in Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Chemical Physics. It is composed of Brown students—from freshmen to seniors—active in networking, hosting events, and leading departmental outreach to Brown and its community. Anyone who is interested in taking part in DUG activities is welcome.

The 2024-25 Chemistry DUG leaders are Stefan Leonard, Kevin Rapp, and Jeffrey Tejada Peralta.

Email the Chemistry DUG Leaders

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What We Do

The goal of the ChemDUG is to welcome all students interested in chemical sciences and to foster a sense of community and inclusion.  Activities include study breaks during exam weeks, movie nights, outreach to local schools, judging Science Fair projects and participating in STEM Day.

ChemDUG hosts a broad range of events each year. Below are just a few examples, and new ideas are always welcome!

Fall Meet and Greet

The ChemDUG organizes a Meet and Greet event for students to meet with department research faculty and other concentrators.

Declaration Day Event

The ChemDUG in conjunction with the concentration advisors plan the annual Declaration Day event which welcomes all new concentrators to the department.

Science Communication & Professional Development Workshop

In recent years, the ChemDUG collaborated with the Physics and DEEPS departments to host a professional development event focused on communicating science and networking in the science world. 

Chemistry Degree Day 

The DUG hosts Chemistry's annual Degree Day. DUG members invite a panel of alumni with degrees in Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Chemical Physics to discuss their post-Brown career paths. 

And When Do We Plan All This? 

Planning meetings are held several times during the academic year. Anyone interested in planning is welcome to attend a meeting (no concentration required!). Planning meetings are great opportunities to present new ideas, too. Sign up for the Chem Department listserv to receive emails about planning meetings.