Department of Chemistry

Christoph Rose-Petruck
Professor of Chemistry
GeoChem 245
Research Interests
Ultrafast x-ray science, Ultrafast spectroscopy of chemical reactions, Medical x-ray and ultrasound imaging, X-ray microscopy
Research Statement
- The ultrafast motions of atoms during chemical reactions are investigated theoretically and experimentally using x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy.
- Nano-structured objects are imaged using an imaging modality based on small-angle x-ray scattering. This imaging modality is applied to medical imaging, for instance of liver cancers, as well as the imaging of nanomaterial structures and their chemical or physical transformations.
- The upconversion of CO2 to feedstock for the chemical industry is studied electro-chemically using nano-structured electroytes.
- 1993 - Dr. rer. nat.: Ludwid-Maximilians University, Muchen, Germany
- 1988 - Diplom, Physics: Technical University, Hannover, Germany
- 1984 - Vordiplom, Georg-August University, Gottingen, Germany
- Rand D, Walsh EG, Derdak Z, Wands JR, Rose-Petruck C A highly sensitive x-ray imaging modality for hepatocellular carcinoma detection in vitro. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 2015; 60 (2)769-84.
- DeCiccio, D., Ahn, S.T., Sen, S., Schunk, F., Palmore, G.T.R., Rose-Petruck, C.Electrochemical reduction of CO2 with clathrate hydrate electrolytes and copper foam electrodes. Electrochemistry Communications. 2015; 52 : 13-16.
- Adams, Bernhard W., Rose-Petruck, Christoph, Jiao, Yishuo. Picosecond-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy at low signal contrast using a hard X-ray streak camera. J Synchrotron Radiat. 2015; 22 (4) : 1022-1029.
- Adams, Bernhard W., Rose-Petruck, Christoph X-ray focusing scheme with continuously variable lens. J Synchrotron Radiat. 2015; 22 (1) : 16-22.
- Brůža, P., Pánek, D., Vrbová, M., Fidler, V., Rose-Petruck, C. Spatial frequency heterodyne imaging in the soft x-ray water window. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2014; 104 (25) : 254101.
- Rand, Danielle, Uchida, Masaki, Douglas, Trevor, Rose-Petruck, Christoph X-ray spatial frequency heterodyne imaging of protein-based nanobubble contrast agents. Opt. Express. 2014; 22 (19) : 23290.
- Chollet, Matthieu, Ahr, Brian, Walko, Donald A., Rose-Petruck, Christoph, Adams, Bernhard 2-ps Hard X-Ray Streak Camera Measurements at Sector 7 Beamline of the Advanced Photon Source. IEEE J. Select. Topics Quantum Electron. 2012; 18 (1) : 66-73.
- Wu, Binbin, Liu, Yanan, Rose-Petruck, Christoph, Diebold, Gerald J. X-ray spatial frequency heterodyne imaging. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2012; 100 (6) : 061110.
- Rand D, Ortiz V, Liu Y, Derdak Z, Wands JR, Tatíček M, Rose-Petruck C. Nanomaterials for X-ray Imaging: Gold Nanoparticle Enhancement of X-ray Scatter Imaging of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Nano Letters. 2011; 11 (7) : 2678-83.
- Ahr, Brian, Chollet, Matthieu, Adams, Bernhard, Lunny, Elizabeth M., Laperle, Christopher M., Rose-Petruck, Christoph. Picosecond X-ray absorption measurements of the ligand substitution dynamics of Fe(CO)5 in ethanol. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2011; 13 (13) : 5590.
- Liu, Yanan, Ahr, Brian, Linkin, Alexander, Diebold, Gerald J., Rose-Petruck, Christoph X-ray spatial harmonic imaging of phase objects. Optics letters. 2011; 36 (12) : 2209.