Department of Chemistry

Geo-Chem MacMillan Safety Resources

All students, visitors, faculty and staff must complete the required University safety training before working in the research labs or gaining building access.

Traincaster Account

Staff, Faculty, Postdoctoral Researchers and Visitor should contact  to obtain a traincaster (training site) account.

Undergraduate Researchers

Undergraduate researchers (volunteers or course credit) must submit the following forms to  

The Chemistry Department Safety Committee

The Chemistry Department has an active Safety Committee that is comprised of student, staff, and faculty representatives whose goal is to foster an inclusive safety culture within the department. Our general meetings are a venue to initiate and communicate departmental safety items, including the development of new resources or processes. The committee meets at least once per term (Fall, Spring, Summer), and if you are interested in joining, please contact the committee chair (Jerome Robinson, 

Current Members

Committee Chair



Links to Documents

Helpful Personnel Contacts

Please take a moment to read the material made available on this page which will be updated as safety protocols are implemented.